Hi, I’m Amy. The writer and performer of the solo show Nice T!ts. It is the autobiographical story about my undergoing a double mastectomy and searching for the perfect pair of new boobs. It is a reconstructive comedy about hope, love and the resiliency of the human spirit.
While I was healing from my double mastectomy I started journaling about my experience. My friends and family were all so loving and supportive, but none of them had any idea how I actually felt, what I was going through. How do you talk about losing a part of your body that you love ( or as I say in my play, that many others have loved) , a part of your body that has a direct impact on your sexuality and femininity. I was also dealing with my mortality and reliving the loss of my mom. She died of breast cancer at 51, a month after my 17th birthday. Writing became my therapy, my medicine. I didn’t know at the time that I would turn this into a one woman show, all I knew was that I needed to write. I am an actress and acting teacher and I know firsthand how art truly has the power to transform and heal. “ Take your broken heart and make it into Art” ( Carrie Fisher) and that is exactly what I did.
It is my hope to be of service to others. One of the goals of Nice T!ts is to get the topic of breast cancer (and its aftermath) out of the closet, in order to inspire an honest conversation about what it means to lose your breasts to cancer, how that impacts you, your partner, your sexuality, your identity, and even your family. I want to help women know that they are still beautiful, feminine, vibrant and sexy even after a cancer diagnosis and undergoing a double mastectomy.
My story is universal, cancer is just the container in which it is told but it is about so much more than that. Life is hard, life can be challenging, but we have the strength to make it through. I hope that my show helps people see that. That it inspires people to go out and live their best possible life, to not take anything for granted and to appreciate all we have. And if I haven’t mentioned this yet, my show is funny! Laugher gives us room to breathe, and is extremely healing. Humor has gotten me through some of the darkest times in my life.
I love the theatre and being a storyteller. It is where I feel the most free. I love sharing my story and knowing that I may have an impact on another person’s life. Knowing that my experience may help someone else to heal. That brings me such joy.
It is my mission to celebrate life and our power to overcome adversity. To thrive and find the beautiful warrior within. To spread a message of hope and healing.
Nice T!ts is my love song to my mom and to all those who have lost someone to cancer or are in the midst of this battle. Feel free to reach out, and say hello, share your thoughts…. Join me in this very important conversation….